April 7, 2009
Joan's navigational tip for today is on Having a body! You are Energy and you have a body! How life and health changes when you shift to that viewpoint!
Her guests are Tessa Brauer, LMP and Robert Brauer, MBA, NTP. They share a thriving northwest nutritional practice and have been married 27 years. Together they teach and share healthy lifestyles through workshops, teleconferences, phone consultations and personal appointments.
Tessa is a licensed massage therapist. She is a mentor/facilitator of transformational healing, a Rejuvenation trainer, a nutritional wellness coach, and a Matrix Energetics practitioner. Inspired by how profoundly her clients were influencing their own health and well-being unexpectedly opened ways of facilitating others in cultivating refined yet simple nutritional practices with in-born self-health essential practices.
Robert has a masters degree in business, is a nutritional therapy practitioner, health consultant and avid health researcher. For over 25 years, he has researched and practiced health-promoting lifestyles. Robert has learned those practices that best promote optimal health. These practices coincide with his deep respect for nature and observing its laws to promote health and longevity. He is passionate about sharing what he has learned in simple, practical ways so that you too can increase the enjoyment of your life by easily learning life supporting techniques.
Their website is Self-Health Essentials www.Self-HealthEssentials.com 'Your resource for Healthful Living'