April 21, 2009
Joan's topic is "2012 - What's Really Going to Happen?"
Her guest is be Carol McCloud, trained Astrologer, Mayan Daykeeper, Shamanic practitioner and Artist working at the mythic realm with archetypal energies, historical cycles and planetray transits to track the cycles of Mayan time as we move through a window of ascension and acceleration beyond 2012.
Based on nearly two decades of investigation and initiations into the spiritual traditions of the Toltec, Maya and Inca, Carol weaves a personal and planetary history through Astrological Chart Readings, Soul Portraits & Mayan Tree of Life spreads. Carol is the Author of the website www.GalacticAlchemy.Com, the Galactic Currents Newsletter, the Galactic Alchemy Almanac - A Traditional Mayan Calendar and The Evolution Oracle Cards.
Carol’s passion is to share the various wisdom teachings involved in tracking the cycles of Mayan Time and to inspire, support, and encourage people to discover their unique energy, purpose and alignment to a natural organic process as we approach the end of the great cycle in 2012 and begin a new age. Her website is www.GalacticAlchemy.com