Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 26th, Gloria Burgess, Dare To Wear Your Soul On The Outside


(Rescheduled from September 21st) Joan’s guest is Gloria Burgess, executive coach, leadership consultant and author DARE TO WEAR YOUR SOUL ON THE OUTSIDE: Live Your Legacy Now. Gloria has expert advice on how to move forward with determination, dedication and leadership. In her book, she uses the touching story of her father’s relationship with William Faulkner as a starting point to explore a classic topic how to bring forth the character qualities of love, wisdom, trust, and, gratitude, creative action, vision, and integrity. Burgess declares the “sacred promises of legacy living” as part of a transformational process that helps us connect to our past by honoring those who came before us, living with intention in the present, and freeing our talents so we can realize our potential. She provides motivational tips and advice on how to get through the transition period in a positive and productive way. Her website is

October 19th, Carol McCloud, Mayan Astrologer

October 19th

My guest is Carol McCloud, trained Astrologer, Mayan Daykeeper, Shamanic practitioner and Artist.We'll be talking about the new cycle in the Mayan calendar coming up in November, and the astrology that goes with these end/beginning times taking us into the fall.
    Carol’s passion is to share the various wisdom teachings involved in tracking the cycles of Mayan Time and to inspire, support, and encourage people to discover their unique energy, purpose and alignment to a natural organic process as we approach the end of the great cycle in 2012 and begin a new age. Her website is

October 12th, Dr. Michael Mirdad, Sacred Sexuality

October 12th

Joan’s guest is Dr Michael Mirdad, World-renowned Spiritual Teacher, Healer, and Author of the best-selling books and "The Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path." With an extensive background in Spirituality, Healing, Sacred Sexuality and Metaphysics Michael has been lecturing for almost 30 years around the world at some of the largest expos and conferences as well as hundreds of centers and churches. He is also the leading facilitator and advocate of "Spiritual Tantra." His website is

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October 5th Nicole Lanning, Practical Crystal Healing


Joan’s guest is Nicole Lanning, the founder of Healing Art Forms Institute and author of Practical Crystal Healing: 555 Tips & Techniques. Nicole is an Ordained Minister, Spiritual Life Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, and a Certified Energy Healer. She does crystal workshops, holistic teaching, spiritual healing, and over 60 of her own channeled energy forms. Healing Art Forms Institute is a web based school and healing center, committed to sharing the Universal Principles of Life that are true to all of humanity be embracing alternative forms of healing, spiritual development, enlightenment, and conscious living. Her websites are and